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  • Is a Labrador Retriever the right dog for me?
    Labradors are a delightful breed with wonderful personalities. Most are fantastic with children and love to play. They’re friendly, exuberant, loyal and very eager to please. The Labrador Retriever is a working dog. They were bred to run, swim and retreive for fisherman and hunters. This breed is high energy and needs plenty of daily exercise. They have boundless energy and need an owner with energy to match. A young Labrador requires at least two 30-45 minute walk a day. Many Labs require a few walks as well as play time with other dogs or retreiving games to meet their daily exercise needs. Labradors love outings each week that include, hiking, swimming and exploring. Labradors that do not get enough exercise can become bored and build pent-up energy. In this state they will often resort to destructive behaviors such as digging and chewing.
  • What is the best training method for Labrador Retrievers?
    Positive reinforcement: Positive reinforcement training involves rewarding your dog for the things they do right. The reward could be a toy, a game, or a treat – whatever your dog wants to work for. Positive Reinforcement Dog Training 101: The Science-Backed Method! ( We do not condone the use of aversives. Aversives such as: prong collars, e-collars, chock collars, spray bottles are all training tools that are negative punishment. Using aversives can result in quick results because what they are actually achieving is behavior suppression. Behavior suppression does mean that your dog will stop performing the unwanted behavior, but only out of fear – not because you’ve helped him adjust or adapt. You’re only fixing the symptom – not the root cause of the issue. Behavior is driven by emotions, so if we’re not addressing the emotions behind our dog’s negative behavior, we aren’t really solving the problem at all. Instead, we’re simply avoiding it!
  • Do Labrador Retrievers shed?
    Yes, Labrador Retievers are notorious for shedding. While Labradors shed all throught the year, the hair loss is more profound as the seasons change. The best way to manage shedding is to brush your Labs hair regularly to remove the dead hair.
  • Do you adopt out puppy littermates?
    No, LRGR believes that puppy littermates should be seperated. Littemates can develop. "Littermate Syndrome." Littermate Syndrome Behavoirs: Fear of people and other dogs Extreme separation anxiety Crate Issues Issues when encountering new situations when alone Leash Reactivity Higher incidence of fighting as compared to non-siblings being raised together
  • Where does LRGR get their Labs?
    LRGR rescues Labradors and Lab/mixes from shelters across, but not limited to, the states of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and West Virginia. We love our lab/mixes. We rescue mixes with Lab traits in appearance and personality, but we are unable to provide exactly what the mix may be. We also bring in Labradors that have been surrendered by their owners. Owners may surrender for various reasons such as finacial, not enough time to devote to the exercise requirements, divorce, health etc.
  • Does LRGR have a physical building where dogs are housed?
    No, all our dogs are housed in loving foster homes. We believe dogs living inside a home, provided us with the best chance at getting to know the behavoirs and personality of each dog. Having a good handle on the dogs personality helps us make a perfect match for your family.
  • How much does it cost to adopt a dog through the rescue?
    There is a non refundable adoption application fee of $25, plus an adoption fee. Fees: All adotion fees are non refundable $375.00 for dogs under 9 years of age $250.00 for dogs 9 years and older $500.00 for a bonded pair. Seniors for Seniors (Seniors 60+ adopting dogs 9+) $200 Military Discount $50 off ( Proof of service required, active or prior service) Only one discount per adoption $100 Spay/Neuter Deposit: Is required for dogs not yet of age to be altered ( under 9 months)
  • What does the adoption fee cover?
    Every Lab that comes into our rescue is examined by one of our veterinary partners. All dogs will have their core vaccines updated (Rabies, DHPP, Bordetella), Heartworm test, fecal and spay/neuter. Puppies under 9 months will not be spayed/neutered prior to adoption, unless they came to us already altered. Applicants who adopt puppies are responsible for the spay/neuter. The Spay/Neuter Assistance Fund was created in an effort to help offset the spay/neuter cost of puppies adopted through our program. This fund allows LRGR to give a gift up to $125 to families that may benefit from the assistance. The cost of veterinary care for our dogs is far greater then the adoption fee. On average, we spend $700 per dog. If a dog needs surgery or has a medical condition, the cost can be into the $1000's.
  • How long can a dog stay home alone?
    It’s not a simple question. How long your dog can stay home alone completely depends on your dog, their age, and their physical and emotional needs. These are important things to think about when you bring a dog into your family. Most dogs will spend time home alone on a daily basis. While not all dogs are alike, most healthy adult dogs should be able to relieve themselves about five to six times a day. Seniors or dogs with medical issues may need more opportunities to get out for a potty break. Puppies on the other hand, will need to go out and take care of business every 1-4 hours depending on their age. Most adult dogs can hold their bladders for up to 6 hours. Some dogs may be able to hold their bladder up to 8 hours, but is that fair? As humans, we urinate every 3-4 hours, why should this be any different for our dogs? There are many ways you can provide your dog an opportunity to relieve themselves throughout the day while you are away. 1. Doggie Daycare 2. Come Home for Lunch 3. Hire A Dog-Walking Service 4. Arrange for Someone to Visit Your House and Let Your Dog Out
  • Does LRGR require a fenced yard?
    We do not require a fenced yard. In fact, some dog owners rely only on a fenced yard to provide exercise for their dogs,but we believe that dogs benefit from getting out and exploring the world around them through walks and hikes. In our foster homes, we take the time to get to know our dogs. Some dogs require a 6 foot fence, while others require no fence at all. Even if you have a fence, we do require that the dog stay inside the home when the owner is away from the residence. Common resons for needing a fenced in yard are: 1. The dog is a flight risk and in order to have some freedom off leash, a fence may be required. 2. The dog may be a reactive dog and doggie daycare and dog parks are not an option for needed exercise. 3. The dog is fearful and until the dog becames acclimated to his new enviroment, he may need the safty of a fence yard to bulid confidence.
  • Does LRGR adopt to families that live in Apartments,Condos or Townhomes?"
    The short answer is Yes! When choosing a dog for adopters in this type of living situation, we must look at personality traits of our dogs and make a match based upon the ability of the dog to live in close proximity to neighbors. A dog that is a barker or has anxiety to loud noises would not be a good match for this type of living situation. We would want a dog that can mind his manners around people in the hallway or elevator. House training is another important issue to consider when you’re thinking of adopting a dog. If you live in a high-rise without easy access to outdoor space, house training your dog can get tricky.
  • Do you adopt to families with young children?
    Yes, we do allow families with young children to adopt. Dogs that are approved for young children have lived with young children in our foster homes or they have lived with children in their previous home. For the safety of the children and dogs, dogs that have not lived with young children, will not be approved for families with children 8 years and under. It is important that children are taught the skills to behave safely around animals. Parents should teach their children to always treat animals gently and calmly. Never hurt, tease, frighten, surprise, or climb on dogs. Always closely supervise children near animals. Just like kids, dogs need their rest too! Dogs should be allowed a quiet place to retreat and not be bothered by children.
  • I see a dog I am interested in, how do I meet him/her?"
    Once your application is approved, you will be added to our approved adopter's list. Your AC (Adoption Coordinator) will work closley with you to find the perfect match. You will also recieve a weekly email of avaiable dogs. When you and or your AC find a dog that may be a match, you will be added to the list for that particular dog. We determine a good match by date of approval and best match for the dog and family. Example: You and 4 other applicants are interested in the same dog. The AC's and foster family will review the applications for the said dog. We consider; date of approval first, then we make sure the dog is a good fit for the interested family. We consider personality of the dog, behavoirs, energy, training needs ,etc. Once a decision is made, we will refer the dog to the best match. The applicant has 24 hours to reach out to the foster family to discuss the dog. If both parties feel the dog is a good match, a "Meet and Greet" must be set up within 10 days of referal. We do not hold dogs.
  • How long does it take to find a match for my family?
    We do recieve a large amount of applications per month. Once approved you will be added to the approval list. Dogs are refered to families that are the best match as well as approval date. Depending on what you are looking for and how many approved applicants are in line will determine your wait time for a dog. Since Covid, we have recieved an unbelieveable number of applications. This has caused a long waiting period for adopters to adopt a dog. On average, applicants may wait 6 -9 months for a match.
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